blog Archives | Pic ur Photo Mon, 02 Nov 2020 16:21:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blog Archives | Pic ur Photo 32 32 Mexican Textiles shopping guide in Riviera Maya Thu, 08 Oct 2020 04:16:09 +0000 The post Mexican Textiles shopping guide in Riviera Maya appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Mexican Textiles shopping guide in Riviera Maya

| October 8, 2020

The Mexican culture is so rich and vibrant. It’s the result of the mixture of its ancient civilizations with Spanish influences. Mexican culture has undergone an incredible transformation during the last centuries, creating an identity that is recognizable all over the world.

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Though, nowadays, and especially in this touristic area of México, is sometimes difficult to buy authentic Mexican textiles. The area is quite full of piracy and if you are not an expert on the Mexican textile techniques, you could be paying for something made in China. That´s why we decided to create this guide to help you with your Mexican shopping.

Embroidering techniques

This is one of the most common mistakes we make when buying Mexican textiles without recognizing the techniques. As we mentioned earlier, Chinese pieces in this tourist area of ​​Mexico are everywhere and there are many embroideries that might look like Mexican but are really made outside of the country and do not contain any indigenous textile identity. It may seem a bit complex to distinguish these pieces from the originals but it is only a matter of reviewing the products and making the right decision.

1) Hand Embroidery

Hand-embroidered techniques are highly recognizable from those made by machine, from cross stitch techniques to the most famous Otomi Tenangos, the hand-made stitches are distinguishable if you check the inside of the garment. Finishing knots are very easily distinguishable when they are made by hand and machine-made pieces generally have an interlining on the back to give more rigidity to the stitches.

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2) Machine Embroidery in the communities

However, there are some communities in Mexico that also work with machine techniques. These embroideries are distinguished by their originality and colorful designs, mainly you can distinguish a non-original piece from a Mexican original elaborated with this technique thanks to the designs and the high degree of complexity. Although you may think that by not being an expert on the subject it will be very difficult to recognize the difference in these pieces, we will give you a tip, try to pay attention to the details since piracy pieces have very low quality in textiles and embroidery.

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3) Waist loom

The backstrap loom is one of the ancestral traditions of this culture, although there are different tool techniques, the result is very similar. They are elaborated thread by thread, literally, and the result is the textile that is used to create the garment, in order to add the embroidery and bronzing adorn figures that represent the history and meaning of their indigenous community.

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The vast majority of you can find in the Riviera Maya pieces made in the state of Chiapas or Oaxaca, such as blouses, dresses, or table runners. These pieces are made approximately in a period of 1 to 3 months depending on the size of the canvas and the complexity of the fabric design. The vast majority of these pieces contain the animal, floral and triangular graphics representing the mountains or valleys from which the artists originate. The problem in these pieces is that the consumer does not manage to value the time and effort of work and that is why day by day they are scarcer for consumers since most of the time they do not pay even $5 pesos a day for this work, and in the most extreme cases, even represents a loss for the artist since this technique is made by weaving thread by a thread on the loom and the amount of material used becomes more expensive for the craftsman than what the client is willing to pay and value the work.

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As we mentioned if you do not know the techniques hand in hand depending on the region, the Riviera Maya can be quite misleading if you are looking for original pieces but we recommend "Textiles Mayas Chiapas" in Playa del Carmen to find an authentic Mexican piece. Otherwise, you can follow this short guide and look for traveling artists so that they can earn more directly from your consumption.

Try to make a conscious decision when making your purchases, not only let yourself be guided by the prices and the false Mexican folklore since you will surely be spending your money on some pirated or low-quality piece.


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Woman´s Posing Style Guide in Portobello Road Sun, 04 Oct 2020 23:41:29 +0000 The post Woman´s Posing Style Guide in Portobello Road appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Woman´s Posing Style Guide in Portobello Road

| October 4, 2020

Many times when we are in the middle of a photo session and we are not used to being in front of the camera, we can feel a bit uncomfortable. That is why we decided to make this guide with some examples of poses that can inspire you for your mini shoot in this location. Portobello Road is characterized by its elegant and colorful style. The walls, flowers, and colors that surround these brick streets are often the favorite for a feminine, urban London, and romantic setting.

Remember that it is very important to feel comfortable in your own skin so that this is reflected in the photograph, the more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to project the image you want in the photo.

Pink and Pose Portobello Road

This is an excellent example of girl power in a single photograph, this setting on Portobello Road is a favorite of the Pic ur Photo clients. This pink brick facade has been the scene of excellent examples of poses, as having the back of this colorful wall highlights the feminine confidence in the photo sessions. If this pose turns out to be an inspiration for your mini photoshoot, try to emphasize your hips by pushing it to the side and placing your hands on your waist. Showing a confident and flirtatious expression makes your features stand out in this painting.

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Movement and smile, the essentials for a photo with natural style

Portobello Road is the perfect setting to feel fresh and feminine. This photo example shows us the cobbled streets on Portobelo Road and its beautiful ivy and brick facades. The pose that this model shows us has an air of naturalness with a dreamy touch. A moving photo has to be natural if this is your goal. Try to think of a slow but continuous movement and always be attentive to the gesticulations of your face in order to achieve the perfect photo. A moving photo has to be natural if this is your goal. Try to think of a slow but continuous movement and always be attentive to the gesticulations of your face in order to achieve the perfect photo.

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Your confidence makes you glow

Choose a wall where you can relax your body. This scenario has the perfect bricked walls and shiny places where you can take advantage and inspire your confident self to come out to the camera. Make emphasis on what you are thinking while the camera is clicking. Do not overthink it, just feel your expression, and relax with it. This example has a magical and secret touch to it, those killer eyes...A hidden smile always does the work to complete a perfect pose.

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Flirt with the camera and love the result

One of the best known and heard secrets in the world of photography is having fun while posing for the camera. A flirty look and the result is amazing. Portobello Road is a place that will make you shine in your own skin, but it is important that you have fun while posing, give the lens a known name, this will help you feel relaxed. If you are looking for a cute and cute result at the same time, this is the formula that never fails.

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Your hair, the protagonist of the photo

Portobello Road is one of those settings that allows you to stand out against the pastel and lead blues around the street. The example we present to you is one of our favorites because when you sit and relax on this beautiful facade, you can have this result. When you can feel relaxed, you achieve what we call "posing without posing." A photo with naturalness and spontaneity is one of the best results you can expect in a photo session. Playing with your hair is one of the infallible ones, the secret is that the moment you make the head movement, try to keep a smile and your eyes looking at the camera, since many times, in the inertia of movement, we tend to close the eyes and the shot is lost.

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Pretty white dress Pose

Portobello Road is one of the favorite locations for those who love romantic style. From its ivy and flower-filled walls to its cobblestone floors and brick walls, this place will inspire your romantic senses. If your goal is a result similar to this, try to use your favorite dress in your favor, when you add a touch of movement and sheer fabrics to the photo, this is the result, if you want the photo to be about the dress, put your gaze on the canvas, or add an even more dreamy air, looking at the horizon or sky, not directly at the camera. Add a little more style to your photo by using a bag or hat as an accessory.

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Walk away and strike a pose

A beautiful photo, the sum of the Portobello Road style, and a fun mini-session. The most important thing in any shoot, professional model or not, is to have fun while capturing that moment. This location keeps a secret ingredient, its private and lonely streets. Here you will have the opportunity to bleach your hair and be creative in your poses. Walking and smiling is one of the classics that should not be missed, this not only helps your body look much more natural in the photo. Try to relax your arms while doing it, as if you walk overthinking your pose, this will immediately be reflected in your arms and hands. A photo in a 3/4 back profile will always be favorable, both in your features as well as in the style of the pose.

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Look away and smile away

For this type of photography, it is important to feel comfortable with the environment. This type of element in the photo, such as the flowerpot and a nice window, can be elements that help to achieve the photo you are looking for. Although they are quite simple elements, they help to add a feminine style to the photo. Lean your body against the wall, a very important and flattering tip is for your hips to lean slightly by slightly lifting one foot against the wall. If you want to achieve the effect that this example has, try not to raise your knee too much, because then it can easily turn into a pose with a somewhat more rough and masculine style, which works perfectly too, but if your style is something more similar to this, try to make the poses always more subtle.

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Perfect pose for a Sports lifestyle photoshoot

This part is one of our favorite locations if you are looking for a more sporty or even rockstar-like result. The gray oxford wall makes any model in front stand out, if you are looking for a space in which you can show off a less romantic and more urban style, this wall will be ideal if you are looking for this variety of scenarios in a single location. This photo is an excellent example of a sporty style pose. The model is relaxed, but her body is straight despite lifting it slightly on the wall, this helps the model's confidence stand out in the frame. Remember that a hidden smile on your face will always help lift your features. Try not to lift your face too high if the cameraman is lower than you. It is very important that you level the profile of your face if you are looking for this type of result.

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A female photoshoot can have different styles, but whichever you choose to try to keep in mind that the best photos are taken when you feel comfortable with your own skin. Portobello Road is one of our favorites, we hope this guide can inspire your posing style and find what makes you feel great!


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Pic ur photo guide for a Male Posing Style in Portobello Road Thu, 01 Oct 2020 04:40:12 +0000 The post Pic ur photo guide for a Male Posing Style in Portobello Road appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Pic ur photo guide for a Male Posing Style in Portobello Road

| October 1, 2020

Many times when we are in the middle of a photo session and we are not used to being in front of the camera, we can feel a bit uncomfortable. That is why we decided to make this guide with some examples of poses that can inspire you for your mini shoot in this location. Portobello Road is characterized by its elegant and colorful style. The walls that surround these brick streets are often the favorite setting for a clean and casual look.

Remember that it is very important to feel comfortable in your own skin so that this is reflected in the photograph, the more relaxed you are, the easier it will be easier to project the image you want in the photo.

This example is one of the essentials within your selection. A big smile breaks all the barriers if you are somewhat shy. Try to convey that confidence in yourself through your smile if you decide to take this example literally, choose your favorite scenario and take a wall as a support to relax your body and add a touch of security, leaning one leg against the wall.

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If you are looking for a photo closer to your face, it is important to project your photo idea by looking at the camera. Try to imagine that you were looking directly at someone with whom you feel comfortable, at the same time that you relax your body using some elements that are around you such as a chair or wall on which you can lean. Try to always keep a relaxed face without forcing your gesticulations, since the lens can capture even the slightest discomfort on the face. a flirtatious and confident attitude like the one shown in this photograph will not fail to produce a spectacular photo.

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One of the reasons why we love this photograph is that the model transmits a confident attitude while interacting with its surroundings, which naturally causes a smile on its face.

If taking a sitting photo is among your goals, try to show your whole body to the camera and if you are at ground level, show your hands in front and always relaxed. Many times when we are in the middle of a photo session we forget a key element in the photographs: the hands, they can play against or in your favor depending on how attentive you can be of the element when posing. A male pose cannot be complete on many occasions if the model does not show one of the accessories that work as a support in male photo shoots, the wristwatch can be one of your greatest allies in a minishoot. Try to pay attention to how this element is shown in your photograph.

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Do not forget that the best photos are taken when you manage to project yourself in the frame so if you lean on your own style you will be able to feel comfortable when posing. We love this example that we show you since the model integrates movement and elements of his wardrobe to achieve a natural and spontaneous pose. As we mentioned in the previous example, the use of your hands is very important for the pose to be complete. Don't forget that a smile will always make your features and personality shine in the photograph.

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This photo is shown in a frame close to the model and is used to create a fun atmosphere using the background colors and an excellent attitude on the part of the model when he appears relaxed and happy in the photo. If you are looking to make a pose fixing the attention of your horizon gaze of your cameraman, try to think about aligning your face towards the camera and looking away. This will help flatter your profile but achieve a natural and spontaneous pose at the same time.

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The example that we present here is a classic of masculine poses. Using the pockets of your pants as support to generate a more natural pose will never fail for your objectives. Placing yourself well positioned with your back straight and your arms relaxed is essential to be able to achieve a good photo, And how can you see the model in this example is looking to the side without neglecting where the camera lens is directed. You can align your body slightly towards your favorite profile.

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The model is very relaxed in front of the camera and uses the wall on his side to show his body completely frontally, leaning it slightly towards the wall as support to achieve a more confident pose. Remember that it is very important if you are in a frame close to your camera to try to relax the frown of your face as much as possible and try to put shyness aside as this will be evident in the result. As in the previous example, the model uses the pockets of his pants to put his attention on his hands and on the camera in front of him so that nothing in his posture reflects any discomfort.

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Portobello Road has scenarios with very elegant colors and this is something that you should take advantage of in your photo session. At Pic ur Photo, we use this photography spot as one of the most elegant in this setting, and it is ideal for male photo shoots. Use the elements that are around you, as in this example, the model interacts with one of the armchairs and places itself comfortably, focusing its posture on showing its confidence and comfort with the accessories it uses. It is important that even if you perform a sitting pose you are always aware of the posture of your back.

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The example that we present here shows us a spontaneous pose that transmits security and movement. a male photo session cannot be complete without using your hands in your favor as in this example, this pose is one of your essentials to show a masculine attitude, showing your hands in front of the camera is synonymous with security and a classic in men's poses. Again, is the perfect pose to show your favorite wristwatch in the photo.

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If what you are looking for in one of your photographs is to show your favorite profile, and you cannot feel very comfortable standing in front of the camera, look for a spot where you can sit to be sideways to the camera, remember that you include a sure look of relaxed face the result will be much more flattering.

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A male photo session is for a relaxed and casual style so you are looking for an elegant result. It is important that you have these two ideas in your head while you perform the different poses that inspire you. remember that the best style is the one that reflects your personality.


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Top Pic ur Photo locations in London Tue, 22 Sep 2020 06:02:16 +0000 The post Top Pic ur Photo locations in London appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Top Pic ur Photo locations in London

| September 22, 2020

London, a place where magical things can happen, and if we talk about photo locations, well this is the place where Pic ur Photo was born, the place that inspired us to get you in the frame!

London´s vibe has a very special filling. We decided to create this article to take you to all our available special photo spots inside this city. From the prettiest neighborhoods to the amazing Tower Bridge and locations that contain the most amazing architecture of the City. We will show you where the magic mini shoots happen, what outfit could work, and how to get there. Also some of our best photo examples for you to get an idea of what will be the result If you book your photo session.

Portobello Road

Portobello Road is one of London’s best-kept secrets because, in terms of fame, it’s overshadowed by neighboring Notting Hill, but it has all the elegance and beauty, plus a little extra diversity. This place does well when you wear smart casual with a slach of colors..but it also has a quirky Brick Lane-esque side to it.

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Neal's Yard

Neal's Yard is one of the most hidden “must-go's” on all of Instagram. You could walk right by one of the entrances if you don't know where you're going, but it's one of the most colorful places in London, with vibrant blues and oranges good enough to make even your day shine.

This is a dynamic area, but the vibe that works best is the "artist" type. If you love baggy jumpers, overalls, or splatter paint on yourself, this is your spot. Even if you don't though, there's a spot for you here..just wear what makes you feel uppity.

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Notting Hill

Notting Hill is one of the most picturesque places in London. The baby blues and pinks are great for maternity shoots, fashion bloggers, and families!

Notting Hill is the ultimate photo location in London. It is also one of the most famous neighborhoods in the city.

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Richmond Riverside

Richmond is a beautiful pocket in Southwest London, with scenic riverside sunsets, green pastures, and hundreds of years old buildings.

This is where you take your Grandmother to brunch, so wear something nice..though it can get a bit hot in the Summer! White & blue clothes/Summer attire appreciated (boat shoes optional).

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Carnaby Street

What happens when you mix pretty, quaint with touristy? Carnaby Street. Right near Oxford Circus, Carnaby street is popular among shoppers but small and beautiful like Notting Hill. Let the shine of this place take over the scene and make you shine like the superstar you are inside.

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South Kensington

South Kensington does well when you wear smart casual with "pretty" colors, like baby blue, light yellow, and pastel pink. It shares with you this air of contemporary London and the history behind it´s bricked walls. It has so many architectural spots with an obvious elegance perfect for this kind of lifestyle shooting. It has the perfect scene for elegance and romance in one place.

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Belgravia is one of the most picturesque places in all of London. Similar to Sloane Square, but with more legendary mewses and loads of green space!
Belgravia does well when you wear smart casual with "pretty" colors, especially blue, pink, and all the pastel list of colors you have in your closet.

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London Bridge

The Square Mile (Monument/Bank) is the main and historic Financial District of London. Home to the Stock Exchange and the Bank of England, it’s great for formal shoots, and people who want to look professional. It also has incredible river views with historic buildings like the Shard and Tower Bridge in the background.

If you ever wanted to wear a suit, this is the place to do it. Home of some of the oldest (still running) financial institutions in the world, Lond Bridge and Bank have that classic old money look.

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Sloane Square

Sloane Square is the perfect picture of historical London, complete with centuries-old buildings, colorful architecture, and Sloane Square is right at the center of it. Set in Chelsea, Sloane Square is the perfect combination of elegance and class that will set you apart.

You and I both know this is the poshest place in London, where you need a bottle of champagne and 7 crumpets just to enter. Wear something nice...but not too nice. Smart-casual, with a little bit of color, do well here. There's a lot of white, so try and stand out against it a bit.

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Brick Lane

Brick Lane is one of the coolest places in London, or so they say. Quirky, Hip, know, cool. Brick Lane is perfect for those of you who prefer a little adventure, like rough edges, but also the best beer and coffee in town. Quirky, hip, retro, bright colors? They all do well here.

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Covent Garden

Covent Garden is an iconic piece of London history and culture, and it also puts on one of the best Christmas displays in the city, so we’ve chosen it just for this special occasion. Covent Garden is extremely dynamic, with spots for professionals and creatives alike. Some spots go best with pristine white sweaters, while others are great with Jackson Pollock jumpers.

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Soho is just a little bit of everything. Do you want Bank-like professional shots? Soho. Rustic or Retro, 70’s style? Soho. Futuristic 2070’s feeling? Soho again. Not to mention it’s one of the most easily accessible areas of London. Soho wants you as you are. It's one of the most diverse spots in London (for its size), and it works for you.

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With that said, the best pictures are always taken when you feel like "you", and especially somewhere that matches your personality. It only takes a jump to the front of our cameras to let the magic happen!

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Most beautiful icons in Mexico City that you have to visit Wed, 12 Aug 2020 14:35:23 +0000 The post Most beautiful icons in Mexico City that you have to visit appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Photography icons in Mexico City

| August 12, 2020

Mexico City is a place that tells stories on its own, and every corner bears witness to the passage of time and the significance of this place. The historic center is the best example of this. The history of this city is visible in its constructions from pre-Hispanic times to the present day. The color of this city is painted from its roots to the bustle of urban folklore and its people.

In this list, we present the best places to take pictures worthy of storytelling.

Alameda Central

The Alameda Central is one of the main avenues of Mexico City in addition to its recognized historical landmarks such as the hemicycle to Juárez and a perfect building for a beautiful photograph. If you are lucky, you will find that in spring, this avenue turns purple thanks to the jacaranda trees that adorn the streets of Mexico City during this season.

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As you may have already noticed if you took a look at our articles on New York, we also talk about Chinatown, well this metropolis also has its own Chinatown in the Downtown area. This is a trade area from this country, and many Chinese merchants settled, as in NY, with restaurants, shops, and all kinds of commerce. It is a very picturesque area and contrasts with the central urban spirit of this area, and it is a lovely spot to take a beautiful photo.

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Palace of Fine Arts"Bellas Artes"

The emblematic Palacio de Bellas Artes is the cultural venue considered the most important in the manifestation of the arts in Mexico and one of the most renowned opera houses in the world. This is a sacred place for musicians and artists in the country. This construction, in itself, is an exquisite work of art and an observer's delight. This lavish museum and theater built in marble, which includes murals by Diego Rivera and other artists, have to be on your list to visit and delve deeper into Mexican culture.

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Quetzalcoatl's nest

This place is completely amazing. It's like being in the Aztec version of Alice in Wonderland. El Nido was designed by the Mexican architect Javier Senosiain and is one of the leading examples of so-called organic architecture. And this photo is just one example of what you will see because inside you will find a ceiling of colored glass that will blow your mind.
It is not located in the historical center area, and it is necessary to make an appointment for the guided tour. But we believe it is worth the try.

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Gates of the “Palacio Nacional”

The National Palace is located right in front of the Zócalo plate. This space contains many stories of Mexican politics and is where the president gives the traditional cry of Independence. The architecture of this space and most of the historic center belongs to the time of the Spanish conquest. The magnificence of this door is ideal for a beautiful photograph.

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“Templo Mayor”

As surprising as this place in the middle of the city may seem, it is home to pre-Hispanic Aztec ruins, a place that bears the name of Templo Mayor. It is a museum of Ruins right next to the Metropolitan Cathedral and National Palace, in front of the flat plate. The photo option that we present to you, it is located in the "El Mayor" Restaurant Terrace, ideal to end the tour of the Historical Center area.

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México City or also known as CDMX, is indeed a very special City, and it takes some time to get to know it but totally worth it!

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The list of the best Mural Art in Holbox to take incredible photography Fri, 07 Aug 2020 16:08:27 +0000 The post The list of the best Mural Art in Holbox to take incredible photography appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


The list of the best Mural Art in Holbox to take incredible photography

| August 7, 2020

One of the things that make this place special are its Murals. It is a place where artistic expression is in every corner. These murals make Holbox one of the most special places on the entire riviera. The different themes honor the flora and fauna of the place, as well as the different Mexican figures that you can find on its walls such as Frida Khalo and Diego Rivera.

Below you will find some of the options for the best murals.

Acoustic Shell

The center of Holbox is full of creative and colorful murals, you will find them around the town, so take your time to discover them one by one. The one you see in the photo belongs to the main wall of the acoustic shell. This space is a stage that is located in the middle of the central square of Holbox and around it there are many more murals that will capture your attention.

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"Ombligo de la Luna" Mural

You will find this place if you decide to visit Punta Coco on foot. It is located on the shore of the beach a few meters before reaching the point. The simplicity of this place together with the landscape of the mural that contains the text the "navel of the Moon" refers to the fact that Holbox Island is known like that because in this place you can see the full trajectory of the Moon in the nights and if you can contain the dream is a show that you cannot miss. However, if you do not succeed, you can have a beautiful photograph in this mural with a beautiful perspective of the sea.

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Fisherman in front of Amaite hotel

Holbox is an Island of Fishermen, it is an island that was populated by Pirates in times of the Spanish conquest, who stayed to populate becoming fishermen. This is the reason why you will see not only this but several murals with this theme. To this day, it is still inhabited by Holbox families who will surely have ancestors or fishermen relatives.

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Fisherman, Shark, and Watermelons Mural

This photo has an ideal color range for a photo with the little ones. The tender and fun colors make the photography more fun and playful, the element of watermelons and the graphic design of the fisherman and the shark, have a childish air, which the smallest of the family will love.

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Whale Shark Dock

The pier is one of the main places on the Island to take photos, since it will be one of the first things you will see when you know the sea of ​​the Island, in addition to being exactly where you can find the giant letters of Holbox.

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Hummingbird Calle Paloma

This particular place is from the Colibrí restaurant and is located on the corner of the Acoustic Shell (considered the central square), that is, on the corner of Tiburon Ballena and Porfirio Díaz streets. This hummingbird will attract attention as soon as you see it, since its colors are very striking and ideal for a shot with the camera.

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Frida Khalo corner

This mural is recent on the island, however, it is beginning to gain traction on Instagram. The protagonist, as in various places on the Island, is Frida Kahlo, however, they adopt the elements that accompany the protagonist to the context of the Island, just as Frida does to tell a story in her original paintings.

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Mirror of Woman and Sea in Damero street

This photograph has colors that immediately catch the eye, bright yellow makes the blue of the sky stand out. You will find this mural on Damero street very close to the main pier. The inspiration for this mural is the woman and the sea merging into one to become its reflection.

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Woman with Flamingo on her head

This mural is one of the oldest on the island but it is still a favorite. As we have mentioned before, flamingos are a great inspiration for the artists and inhabitants of this place, since being able to contemplate them in the sunsets from the turquoise blue, yellow and purple colors of the Sunset will give you goosebumps. On this island you will find many strong and full of life women, it is an effect that the island gives to the people who visit it. But this particular mural unites these two elements of inspiration and important parts of Holbox.

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Holbox murals show much of the essence of the place. They speak of the inspiration that motivates the locals to make this island a very special place. The murals also show that Holbox has a very special affection for Mexico but with different elements that make the visitor fall in love a bit.

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Holbox most inspiring locations to take incredible photography Thu, 06 Aug 2020 21:55:25 +0000 The post Holbox most inspiring locations to take incredible photography appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Holbox most inspiring locations to take incredible photography

| August 6, 2020

An interesting fact is that Holbox is almost on the border between two seas, but it is more on the side of the Gulf of Mexico than the Caribbean. That is why its waters shine in green and blue colors that merge to give a turquoise horizon. It is the temporary home of the whale shark for much of the year and this makes Holbox a bioluminescence paradise from May to September. It is the ideal resting place but, at the same time, you will lack the time to enjoy live music and the places to visit. So have your camera always ready because you will surely see things that will catch your attention and you will not find them on this list.

But do not worry, here we present you the list that will make you take with you the best memories of the beautiful settings that this place offers to the viewer.

Passion Island

We start with one of the most impressive places in Holbox. This Islet is home to more than a great variety of bird species that you will be able to observe from a viewpoint that you can get to on a Boat Tour, which will take you to visit several important points of this paradise. Among the species that you can catch are flamingos, frigates, cormorants, seagulls, and pelicans.

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Punta Cocos

It is the western tip of the island. One of the most famous points on the island, which you can reach by walking along the shore of the beach (about 40 minutes from the town), or inside the mangroves on a motorcycle taxi. But the recommendation is that you do it in the morning or to see the sunset from this point, if you decide to walk on the beach you can capture other points with hammocks and fantastic photo murals.

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The sunsets are the most magical thing in Holbox, each sunset offers a different show of colors, and each one is special, we recommend having the camera ready in each one of them. It can be a cloudy day or the sky is completely clear but what is definitive is that this is one of the best scenarios that the Island offers for photos.

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Yalahau Waterhole

Not everything is sea and salt in Holbox, and swimming in fresh and freshwater like that of the Yalahau water hole, is another of the surprises it offers you. This place can be part of the tour that will take you to Isla Pájaros. This waterhole will be a delicious adventure to cool off and enjoy a bit of the fresh waters of the area. You can take a direct tour of the waterhole or one of the tours that will take you to the rest of the reserves in the area. I recommend arriving early because after 11 in the morning and high season the tourists of the place will be the main actors in your photos.

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Swings by the seaside of Holbox

Holbox swings have become one of the main attractions for Instagram photos. And it is for those who do not find the scene of being in the middle of paradise enjoying water, sun, and a refreshing drink or simply being present on this stage to enjoy the view. Many places offer you this option such as Punta Coco or Zomay, which is the local's favorite bar to enjoy the sunset.

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Hammocks by the sea in Holbox

Hammocks, like swings, are an excellent photography item. The sight of a hammock in the middle of the beach will be something that your followers will not be able to resist. Like the swings, you will find this option around the island, it will only be enough to consume in some cases, or others, they are part of some hotels that do not allow the use of visitors.

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Sand Banks

There are several sandbanks on the island but the most visited area by the Hotel Las Nubes de Holbox and in Punta Coco, the recommendation is to arrive early by bicycle since you can take a taxi there (about $ 60MEX) but the detail will be the return since it is in the most remote areas. If you are a Yoga lover, this place will surely inspire you to create a whole posture session.

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Holbox is more than a beautiful photograph, Holbox is a place that if you allow it will change you from the fibers, in this place you can not only see wonderful things but also feel them. It is a place to contemplate how wonderful the planet we live on is. and how wonderful it is to be alive. The music, the murals, the people, and that sea will go with you not only in photography but in the heart ...

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Walking Tour Guide Around Marylebone London Thu, 30 Jul 2020 16:25:23 +0000 The post Walking Tour Guide Around Marylebone London appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Walking Tour Guide Around Marylebone London

Christian Ostmo | July 30, 2020

Marylebone is a beautiful neighborhood in the central London, it’s popular for its high streets filled of trendy restaurants and world-famous stores and bordered by the one of the loveliest Royals parks, the Regent’s Park. The atmosphere around there is so diverse ranging from the opulent Georgian architecture of the housing on the wealthier areas to the floral feeling in the green gardens, and everything in the middle, including plenty of entertainment options such as museums, a bunch of shops and uncountable places to have a wide variety of salty and sweet dishes.

In this opportunity I come up with a full guide to explore this thriving neighborhood and you do not miss out the fashionable restaurants and cafeterias, homegrown markets, independent shops and of course the slender Georgian residential zones that this area is famous for. I highlighted a list of the best hidden and not so much spots to have Instagram worthy photo sessions.

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How to get to Marylebone?

This neighborhood located in the West End of London is quite convenient having plenty of public transportation that will leave you or take out of Marylebone. For those wanting to use the Underground system the lines that serve this neighborhood are: Bakerloo and Circle having Baker Street, Bond Street, Marylebone and Oxford Circus Street as the nearest stations. On the other hand, for those that prefer the bus services, there are plenty of routes that will take you around this area. The bus line that will take you close there are: 18, N18, 27, N27, 205

A Little History Behind this Neighborhood

Marylebone is a neighborhood distinguished by impressive architecture and lovely open-air areas like parks and square gardens that together with trendy restaurants and fashionable stores make this area a popular spot to visit. The earliest register that has been found of this area dated almost a millennium ago when in the 1060’s it was just muddy fields with a few dozen of residents known with the name of Tyburn or Tybourne. No big changes happened in the areas until the 13th century with the construction of a church dedicated to St. Mary, on the banks of the Bourne which finally gives the current name of the area, as it was known as St Mary le Bourne that years later was contracted to Marylebone.

The construction of the houses with the impressive architecture that we can enjoy today, started in the earlies 1700’s with development plan of converting the rural land in a sumptuous area with elegant residences and arboreal streets around the Cavendish Square. The changes were slow, but the area become a fashionable place to live and have a great time after the green areas became famous venues where people enjoyed concerts, firework displays attracting famous musicians and composers to the area.

The neighborhood continued changing with new land leases and development plans to build among others the famous Baker Street and Harley Street designed by renowned architects of those time. However, not everything was wealth and stylish in this area, in the mid-19th century the Marylebone Gardens where the house of poor people and homeless attracting criminals and scroungers. All this motivate new reforms and the reconstruction of social housing and schools for those in need in order to tackle the crime was arising in the zone.

As many other parts of London, the bombing during the World War II harshly hit important parts of Marylebone causing destruction of many buildings that were demolished and rebuilt giving them a modernist style willing to attract residents and business to the area. But it wasn’t until the latest 1900’s when the Estate implemented changes to attract big retailers to the area that finally motivated the arrival of independent business to occupy the shops that remained empty after the war, giving a new vibe to area and becoming one of the favorite shopping destination for locals and tourist alike.

Today, it’s a popular spot that attracts floods of visitors that like to enjoy the gorgeous architecture and the elegant atmosphere due to the high fashion stores and lovely green open-air areas.

What Can I do there?

Marylebone has a special atmosphere that exudes sophistication and stylishness due on the one hand for its great collection of world-known stores mixed with lovely independent shops that make the area the perfect place for a shopping day or just window shop therapy, and on the other hand the magnificent architecture of the residential areas that evoke the Georgian and Victorian times and convert the walking around the area a unique experience.

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Besides the classy vibes, you also can soak up the nature with plenty square gardens and parks being the Regent’s Park the most popular spot to do it, being the second largest Royal Park in London offer endless options to spend a great time that includes spectacular views of the city at the summit of grassy hill, the fragrance and beauty of the flowers displayed on its several gardens, the interaction with a varied wildlife and many other things that immerse you in a tranquility bubble in the middle of the city.

Despite of the area still maintains a low profile if we compare with other famous areas of London, it has a great selection of first-class restaurant, cafeterias and pubs that convert Marylebone in a very popular destination among Londoners eaters. Some of the places are recognized for their delicious dishes and their lovely decorations that been framed uncountable times on Instagram, it’s the case of Aubaine Selfridges located on the bustling Oxford Street.

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Where to Eat in Maylebone?

The area between Edgware Road and Oxford Street is famous for serving kind of pricey food, and this is true up to a point, but this neighborhood gathers a wide collection of restaurants that surely, you’ll find one that will please your palate and won’t hurt your pocket. In Marylebone you can enjoy the whole range whether you’re looking to celebrate a special occasion in a luxurious restaurant, or just like to try delicious food in a more modest ambiance. There’s an option for you.

Some of those restaurants are famous for hosting very big-name chefs, offering an incredible experience of flavors and textures to your mouth. The range of food around there is so diverse, that can include succulent French cuisine to spicy Indian recipes, and even a fusion of style that create new form of tastiness. The most popular ones can be: Twist (at Crawford St), Orrery (at Marylebone High St), Roganic (Blandford St), Trishna (Blandford St), Delamina Marylebone (Marylebone Ln) among many others.

There are some restaurants that stands out among the others because not only offer tantalizing recipes beautifully served but have stunning floral displays and outstanding decoration that takes the dining experience to a different level. For this reason, they have been converted in the main attractions for many Instagram foodies always looking for the perfect spot and of course delicious food. Some of those restaurants are:

-Aubaine Selfridges (Oxford Street)
-Roux at the Landau (Portland Pl)
-Jikoni (Blandford St)
-A.O.K Kitchen and Bakery (Dorset St)

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For those that want to skip the fanciness of the Marylebone restaurants, there are plenty of convenient stores, mini and supermarkets where to buy something quick and can be enjoy in the lovely green areas around the neighborhood. The main retailers have branches spread all over the neighborhood such as: Waitrose at Marylebone High Street, Tesco and Sainsbury both on Baker Street. If you are visiting the area on Sundays, you can enjoy the special vibe of the street markets in Farmers Market located at St. Vincent Street, there you’ll find great variety of organic veggies and fruits, cheese and other foodstuffs from local producers. Another popular street market is Cabbages & Frocks located at north Marylebone High Street opening on Saturdays and featuring fresh produce and artisan clothing.

Fancy a Cuppa?

After enjoying delicious food in one of the many restaurants, you can be delighted with a sweet treat and a well-crafted coffee in the cafeterias and bakeries around the area. Some of the most popular ones are: The Monocle Café London (at Chiltern St), The Marylebone Kitchen (at York St) and Daisy Green (Seymour St). There are some coffee shops that stand out among the others for having gorgeous decoration and being the background for amazing snaps. The Feya located at James Street with its large windows that reveals lovely floral displays, or the Dyce with its modern decoration full of pastel colors offering Insta-worthy spots in every corner.

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Best Walk Tours in Marylebone

Marylebone is a quite small neighborhood part of the central London surrounded by other popular areas like Fitzrovia and Mayfair, also known for its high-end shops, elegant streets and luxurious surroundings. A walk around this area is a constant treat for your eyes while your soaking up the classy vibes created by worldwide famous stores, gorgeous buildings with Georgian inspiration and tranquil Royal park among many other things. In this walking tour guide I will show you great places you cannot miss in Marylebone and I put a spotlight on those hidden and no so much spots to take incredible shots.

Walk Along the Streets

Walking along Marylebone is a quite short tour however you should leave a good time to enjoy all the things that this neighborhood has to offer, ranges from antique architectures to trendy restaurants, including lovely parks and even museums. Everything you need to have an incredible urban exploration. In this walk I’ll start in the famous streets and make my way to the different spots until getting the peaceful parks areas covering a distance of 2.8 miles that it would take around two hours and half to accomplish.

Start the walk at Oxford Circus St Underground, as soon as you exit the station, you’ll see the wide variety of stores what this area is popular for. The world-famous brands have a branch around there such as Nike, Pandora, Zara and among many others, so feel free to pop into and do some shopping or just stare the store’s windows. Hitting the shops is one a must-do activity around this area.

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After filling your spirit of joy while shopping, make your way back to the intersection of Oxford Street and Regent’s Street where you’ll probably recognize the very popular Instagram spot in the median street with the stunning architecture of the buildings behind, creating a unique mix of antique and modernity that worth to photograph uncountable times. These streets get a special vibe during the Christmas holidays when lighting and floral decoration hanging invade the streets.

To continue your journey turning into the pedestrian lane to reach the beginning of Marylebone Lane located between Stratford Pl and Vere St, in this narrow lane you’ll find the entrance to a lovely mews, Aldburgh Mews in which you can take great pictures in front of the beautiful brick facades with tiny stairs in the main door and the potted flower hanging on the windows. When you reach the other end continue your walk until you get Wigmore St and keep on your left side and you’ll find a narrow-pedestrianized stretch on the St. Christopher’s Lane where you’ll find a great mixture of restaurants, stores and coffee shops where you can sit and enjoy the thriving atmosphere with bunch of people passing by.

In the middle of this boulevard you can veer right into pedestrianized part of Barnett Street and take of the two road of this walking tour, one of them walking east through Barnett Street until you see the main entrance of the Selfrigdes London, a massive department stores with plenty of shops and varied food halls. It’s a paradise in earth for the fans of buying and window-shopping. If you had enough of big stores, you can just turn right at James St, a narrow lane with lively shops and cafeterias at both sides with their street’s tents and lovely decorated facades creating an adorable colorful path. There you’ll find The Feya in which you can enjoy delicious desserts and hot coffee while you’re taking amazing shots in one of the most charming entrance around. It can be ornaments or balloons, no matter what, their displays always worth a stop.

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When the street finishes, you’ll be entering on Wigmore Street again, cross the street and get into Duck Street where you’ll find lovely terraced houses beautifully decorated with potted flowers. If you are one of those that enjoy the architecture, you’ll love this area with elegant structures around the square garden. On the other side of the Manchester Square is The Wallace Collection, a free-admission entrance museum that display an impressive collection of works of arts collected in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that belonged to Sir Richard Wallace that finally were donated to create the museum. The collection is amazing, and also the mansion is worthwhile visiting.

Next to the museum is Spanish Pl, a charming street with similar aesthetics, take it in order to find your next stop in this walk, when you get the end of it you’ll see the stunning gothic architecture of a church have been sitting there for more than 100 years. Walking to the St James’s Church direction, on the right side you’ll see the entrance to a lovely street with tight houses, the Jacob’s Wells Mews, where you can take some snaps with black and white two-story buildings. Then turn around and go back to George St and walk west until you Thayer St.

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This street as is common in the area is full of shops at both sides. On one corner at the left side you’ll see the iconic black façade of the bar The Marylebone, nice spot to take a quick shot with its outdoor hanging plants. As you continue walking, you’ll find the famous bookstore Daunt Books, a stunning building with long oak galleries and impressive skylights that gathers a great collection of books specializing in travel theme. If travelling and admiring beautiful architecture is your thing, this bookshop will be a paradise for you.

After soak up literacy, continue walking north along Marylebone High St and when you get the last stretch of street turn left into a pedestrianized path at Marylebone Gardens, if you’re visiting on a Saturday you’ll see the Cabbages & Frocks Market, take a look around the many stalls who knows if you discover a precious antique there. Continue your journey along the gardens parks that guide to Marylebone Road, a massive two-way avenue that gathers impressive at both sides including the Royal Academy of Music Museum, churches, universities.

Cross the avenue and veer left to find the Madame Tussauds London Museum where you can take nice pictures with the waxy version of your favorite celebrities. The fee admission is not cheap, but you can spend a great time around the wax figures. As you keep walking, you’ll reach another famous street in the area, the Baker Street that also gathers a wide selection of shops, restaurants and supermarkets. In the last part of this street you’ll find another Museum, that is very popular among those who love the detective history and crime solving, The Sherlock Holmes Museum. It’s quite small but you’ll have a great time exploring the investigation gadgets and reading the letters to his dear Watson. So, pop in and get a souvenir of the most famous detective in the world.

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At this point, you continue walking until you get Outer Circle where you’ll find an entrance to the second largest Royal Park in London, the Regent’s Park. This massive park has a lot offer to the visitors, beautiful tree-lined pathways and extended green area to walk, charming gardens and floral displays, large lake with a boating area among many other things. The walk finishes here, after wandering the park you can walk to the south and find Regent’s Park Station or Baker Street Station.

Marylebone with its fancy buildings, luxurious restaurants and many world-famous stores radiates a classy vibe that you immediately feel when you get there. However, this neighborhood is not only for a shopping day, but it’s an area with a wide variety of options including massive parks, lovely gardens, interesting museums and antiques bookshops, superb cafeterias and even weekend’s street markets. With all of this, it’s hard to understand why this neighborhood is not more popular among the wanderers. Although is getting more fame in the last years.

To make your walking tour easier, I’ll give you the link to access the route through Google Maps.
Christian Ostmo
Christian is a Content Writer and Photographer at Pic ur Photo and recent transplant from Oregon. You can follow his day-to-day exploits on Instagram @christianostmo.

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The best glamping cabanas in Tulum Thu, 30 Jul 2020 16:19:20 +0000 The post The best glamping cabanas in Tulum appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


The best glamping cabanas in Tulum

| July 30, 2020

Being in the Mayan paradise means more than the turquoise blue of the Caribbean Sea. To live the full experience you have to go deep into the virgin jungle of the Mayan land. This experience not only hosts the sunrise with the birds of the region and their songs but a reunion for your family or with your partner. If you decide to travel alone this experience will take you to reconnect with yourself and nature.

In the following list, we present the best options to lose yourself into the Mayan jungle.

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Nativus is created as a temporary home, the glamping is surrounded by Mayan jungle and a beautiful cenote with crystalline water. They designed auto sustainable spaces and built them with natural materials that blend into the environment. It is located just a few steps away from the turquoise sea and white sanded beaches of the Mexican Caribbean.

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At Dos Ceibas offer the best activities so that you get the most out of your stay. Amazing service! No matter what kind of person you are, they have activities specifically designed for all types of people, from water activities or snorkeling to relaxation activities such as temazcal or yoga. Also, they have bicycles and cars for rent if you want to move around or go to town.

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Magic is a word to describe this place with justice. The way this place will capture you will be something for a lifetime. The peace that surrounds this place is absolute and perfect to forget the world and just enjoy it. If you are a yoga lover, this place will be your favorite.

The Maya considered Tulum to be sacred, a place where the sun travels through the air and first meets both land and water. Cenotes; gateways to a spiritual realm, seeds of life, conductors of energy. Of course, the pathway to such a place would be just as beautiful as the destination.

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Where to eat with short budget in Tulum Thu, 30 Jul 2020 16:14:51 +0000 The post Where to eat with short budget in Tulum appeared first on Pic ur Photo.


Where to eat with short budget in Tulum

| July 30, 2020

The recommendations we present in this article are made for every kind of taste. Our gold is to present you with different options to pick from and different budgets. So jump in and get to know what Tulum has to offer in this area.

To eat cheaply in the Town:

Tacos Kukulkan Tulum

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Are you looking for an authentic Mexican food place? Well, this is a cheap and amazing option we have for you. Tacos Kukulcan will have almost anything Mexican. From enchiladas, tacos or guacamole. Perfect options to join with a cold beer.

Las Hijas de la Tostada

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A perfect place to relax with friends. We highly recommend the caramel shrimps. But still, explore the options, you might find something else to complement this choose!

La Barracuda

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In addition to delicious, it is super well served and is very affordable. Perfectly 2 people eat with the large shrimp ceviche that costs $ 260 pesos and a pitcher of chaya at $ 80 pesos.

Camel Jr

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This is a place of seafood and it is delicious. The shrimp cocktail costs $ 190 pesos, the fried fish $ 150 pesos, and the beer $ 45 pesos. Perfect choice to eat until you are full and happy.

To eat cheaply in the Hotel Zone:


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One of the favorites beach clubs. It is the cheapest, usually has live music and is "pet friendly". A beer costs $ 90 pesos and there are tacos between $ 25 and $ 45 pesos.


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It is not on the beachside, but it has an incredible private cenote where you can swim. The beer also costs $ 90 pesos and a hamburger with potatoes $ 150 pesos.

I Scream Bar

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The fort of this place is at night, it has an incredible atmosphere. The beer costs $ 90 pesos.

To eat in paradise beach, not so expensive:

Villa Pescadores

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If you visit this place in low season they only charge what you consume. Beach clubs usually rent the facilities and separate consumption. The shrimp ceviche costs $ 250 pesos and a bucket with 5 beers: $ 300 pesos.

To go out at night in the Town:

Batey bar

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It is a mojitos bar with a super atmosphere any day of the week. Tables are shared and there is usually live music. The mojitos cost $ 100 pesos.

If you are low in budget but still want to have a great time around Tulum, this list might help you to satisfy you hunger and still save some money to use in more activities.

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