9 different lifestyle photos you can get on a single street


Traveling from place to place can really run up the clock when you’re supposed to be taking lifestyle shots. But, there are a few spots in London that are so diverse you can get everything you need in only a few meters. Featured in the movie Love Actually, St. Luke’s Mews is one of the best!

FYI: you can click on each image for more info on pose + exact location + how to achieve it.

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This is THE PINK HOUSE. You know..from the scene..Love Actually! (look it up) Anyway, it’s famous and beautiful, and you can pretend to live there.

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But, if you think that exact spot is only for women, think again! The dark blues and curiously enchanting ivy can create an air of mystery. Just make sure you’re looking away from the camera.

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St. Luke’s Mews is possibly the best street for lifestyle photos, not because one particular spot is so beautiful, but because you’re bound to find at least one location and pose that fits your personality.

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These aqua colors sit right at the entrance of the mews, and they make for great Summer vibes (even in the rain).

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On one side, you have bright colors, and at the other end, there are more sophisticated colors–for the young professional.

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The ivy can come off as strong or enchanting, and it has everything to do with your attitude. If you have a bubbly personality, give something like this shot a….shot.

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I’m more into bright colors, but wow! I love the way this Instagram door turned out. Down toward the end of the mews, this is perfect for those whose lifestyles are a little..darker.

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One of the cool things about St. Luke’s Mews is that it has a little bit of each part of London inside of it. This is mini-Chelsea–and it’s as posh as High Tea at 11 (is that when High Tea is served?).

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This isn’t quite in St. Luke’s Mews, but it’s only right across the street, and it’s super artsy, so I couldn’t leave it out. This is the perfect backdrop for the art student, actor, or even business person who’s just trying to show they can be fun too.